I don't know what I'm doing/ I don't know what I'm saying I don't know why I'm watching all these white people dancing
I don't know where I'm going/ But I do know that I'm walking/ Where?I don't know.../ Just away from this love affair
I can't say that I'm cruisin'/ Not that I don't like cruisin'/ Just that I'm bruisin from you
I can't say that I'm waltzin'/ Not that I don't like waltzing/ Would rather be waltzin' with you
So I guess that I'm going/ I guess that I am walking/ Where?I don't know.../ Just away from this love affair
Já andava a pensar no Rufus há uns tempos. Tudo se compõe... O cosmos e a lua conspiram a nosso favor!
Bem!, é quase assustador ver todas as peças deste complicado puzzle a encaixarem umas nas outras com tanta suavidade... Fico muito contente. Só pode ser um sinal de que vamos no bom caminho.